Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Ant movies: Krieg der Ameisen (La guerre des fourmis)

Krieg der Ameisen (La Guerre des Fourmis)  (Arte)

Olivier Blight, Eric Provost, Stephand Caut, Jim Xerda, Volker Witte)

[This movie is 3:02.08 but in fact it is three times the same movie. Recording started at 2:02, the begin oft the third repetition is at 2:21:30]


2:02:00 Monitoring methods; pitfalls, pooter
2:03:00 Tapinoma not affected by Linepithema
2:04:58 overview of Linepithema distribution, simulation model on the affect oflimate change
2:05:34 Volker Witte on Linepithema in Germany
2:05:56 study of ant language and communication
2:06:30 origin of the gland (Pavans gland), dissection, experiment to show the impact of the gland substances.
2:08:30 life cycle: brood
2:09:30 Donana NP: study of the impact of Linepithema on predators and other fauna (Elena Angulo), using Quercus suber,
2:10:45 experimental design
2:12:45 results
2:13:00 Stephane Caut: impact assessment, dissecting a toad
2:14:30 life cycle; fight on the power in the nest
2:15:00 impact on Camponotus vagus? Recruitment, fight between C and L; use of SEM for tarsus of L
2:20:02 Argentine ant the largest predator of the world
2:20:10 The impact of L in Corsica

2:21.30 Krieg der Ameisen 3
2:22:47 description of the local ant fauna, ca 160 local species; Messor life cycle,
2:24:20 Description of a European project to study ant faunas (which one?) Olivier Blight, Eric Provost (Aix-en-Provence)  Cereste in S-France
2:25.50 the original distribution of Linepithema and the history invasion: Madeira first record, than mainlaind.
2:27:00 moving of a nest, and the way they do it
2:28:29 polyploidy: 15-20 queens in one nest
2:29:30 queen
2:30:19 agressivity test
2:30:50 food
2:31:30 fight with Messor
2:33:55 aggessivity test comparing nests of different geographic origin: no fights
2:36:10 chemical analysis – the profiles are equivalent
2:38:00 use of water and storage
2:39:08 Aphaenogaster nest, fight with L, recruitment, attack from hundred to hundred thousand of ants attack
2:41:20 killing of the queen (but this is wrong, this is a Camponotus worker)
2:42:07 The impact of argentine ant on the ecosystem (Provost): L have no enemies and thus can distribute unlimited.
2:43.30 impact of L in Donana NP and especially their impact on Quercus suber ecosystem. Jim Xerda
2:45:21 measuring the speed of discovery of new pray: L the fastest ant in discovering food – but does not work when too hot, where other ants can work (food competition);
2:47:30 competition against other animals: but no quantitative measurments.
2:48:50 new nest of L
2:49:13 nest mould
2:50:00 tending of aphids
2:51:30 description of Corse with more than 80 ant species.
2:52:30 search of the front line argentine ants / native fauna.
2:52:40 use of baits
2:54:30 no linear expansion, but human impact that assures that they invade much faster
see the begin

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Ant movies

(Popular) Science 

There is a fascinating, growing number of popular science movies on ants becoming available. To use them for my own work, I try to add tags describing the subject covered.

1. Alles über Ameisen 52.07. EO Wilson, Nigel Franks
2. Krieg der Ameisen 3:02:08. Arte. Discussion of Argentine Ants
3. Wild City of Ants 44:56.  National Geographic. Ted Schultz, Alex Wild, Nigel Franks
4. Die heimliche Weltmacht   43:14. Arte. Bernd Hölldobler
5. Planet Ant - Life Inside The Colony 1:28.46. Leaf cutter ants kept in artificial nest
6. Ant colony raids a rival nest 3:44. BBC. Myrmecocystus
7. Silver Desert Ant, Cataglyphis bombycinus 12:31 BBC, Rüdiger Wehner, David Attenborough
8. The amazing Cataglyphis ant 2:52. BBC, David Attenborough; Cataglyphis bombycinus
9. Lord of the Ants 52:52 PBS. About EO Wilson.
10. Empire of The Desert Ants  55:48. BBC. Myrmecocystus
11. Butterfly eggs and caterpiller survival: Myrmica and lycaenids, ichneumonids.  6:31, BBC, David Attenborough. Life in the Undergrowth.
12. Polyrhachis in mangrove forest, living in the intertidal zone. 3:54. BBC, David Attenborough. Life in the Undergrowth. (submersible life, communication, territorial disputes)
13.  Pogonomyrmex (harvester ants) and Aphaenogaster  in Arizona. 3:24,  BBC. David Attenborough. Life in the Undergrowth. Competition
14. The Trials of Life, Episode 7: Living Together. 49:13 BBC. David Attenborough
15. Honey Ants - A nice sweat treat! 1:53 Animal Planet. Camponotus inflatus.
15b. Yummy Hnoey Ants. 2:53 Australian Screen. Camponotus inflatus
16. NPR Science: Ants That Count! 4:35 NPR: Experiment to show that ant can count their steps, Cataglpyhis, Wehner.
17. Cataglyphis bombycinus,  7:04. Tunis. Including shots of soldiers outside the nest.
18. Odontomachus trap jaw ant:  1:29 Ondontomachus in nature, Alex Wild
19. Anochetus trap jaw ant: 3:06 High speed camera movie shot in the laboratory
20. Ants: super soldiers 4:21. Earthtouchnews.com. A potpurry of ant behavior related  to predation
21 Ant societies and what we can learn from them: Laurent Keller at TEDxLausanne 17:30


1. Un chien andalou (1928). Luis Buñuel.  4:06; 8:38

Ant Movies: Alles über Ameisen

Alles über Ameisen (animal planet with EO-Wilson, Nigel Franks)


1:38 Oecophylla weaver ants
3:21 the weight of all ants is about the same as all humans
5:00 Metathoracal (Metapleural gland) ants a chemical plants
6:00 functional morphology, mandible
6:30 Wilson, pheidole
9:09 morphological diversity
9:18 social life as character of ants: Wood ants
10:00 social work makes you stronger..
10:32 division of labor – all work can be done by all, only queen is irreplaceable; life cycle
11:04 trophallaxis
11:30 role of queen – different casts
12:00 larval development
13:00 life cycle, sexual production, mating competition
14:00 the fate of males, nest foundation by queens
14:24 origin of ants
16:30 communication
17:30 trail pheromone
18:45 nest mate recognition – cracking of the code: oecophylla and spdiers
20:00 oecophylla and spiders fighting
21:09 Cataglyphis bombycina, orientation, Wehner
22:19 vector navigation vizualization
23.21 polarization patterns
25:30 Attine
29:15 antibiotic like substances / metapleural gland Beattie
31:24 extracting metapleural content
33:03 Honey pot ants, Mulga, Camponotus inflatus
23:25 Wood ant; thermoregulation
37:18 Smaragd Ameisen, Polyrhachis with Lycaenidae silk nests; rattle ants because the communicate via audible vibrations
39:20 Phil deVries about lycaenids
43:31 Oecophylla
44:21 cracking of defensive behavior and chemical code by a spider
46:23 driver ants Eciton
47:28 Nigel Franks human /ants comparison: what is the chain of command: top down vs bottom up
49:12 decision making
50:50 study of biology: make something complex from simple structure: individual behavior to a complex behavior. IN ants no hierarchy, no leader, but everybody is involved in decision making

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